Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Sweden: PhD student position in Social Anthropology with a focus on education and youth

Deadline: 15 Feb. 2013

PhD student position in Social Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology. Ref.no. SU 617-3564-12. Deadline for Applications: February 15, 2013.
The Department of Social Anthropology announces one vacancy for a salaried PhD student position, commencing September 1, 2013.
The announced PhD position is focused on young people who leave school after primary education. It is announced within the framework of a project funded by EU's Seventh Framework Programme for research and development in collaboration between seven European countries.
The applicant should have an interest in research on educational issues, and preferably some previous experience of research in this field. It is a special merit to have documented ability to conduct independent scientific investigations, as well as having skills in qualitative and quantitative methodology.
The doctoral programme consists of 240 higher education credits (4 years of study), of which the doctoral thesis is worth 165 credits and course work and literature reading 75 credits.
The position is for one year initially but can be extended for up to two years at a time. The position may be held for a maximum of four years of full-time doctoral research.
The first year consists of salary for 100% studies and thereafter a salary for three years and nine months consisting of 80% studies and 20% of work at the department (primarily administrative tasks and teaching).

Who can apply?
To be eligible for doctoral research the candidate must have:
• An examination at advanced level (e.g. a master’s degree).
• Have a minimum of 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 must be at advanced level in Social Anthropology, or have equivalent qualifications from Sweden or abroad.
Applicants who met these basic eligibility requirements for doctoral studies by 1 July 2007 are thereafter eligible to apply for doctoral study until the end of June 2015 at the latest.

Special eligibility
• A minimum of 15 credits at advanced level must be from dissertation or project work. 
• It is a merit to have good knowledge of both qualitative and quantitative methods. 
• Experience of work, dissertation or projects in the education field will be given priority.
• The applicant must have a good knowledge of English and Swedish both orally and in writing.

How to Apply
A complete application form marked Ref. no. SU 617-3564-12 must have arrived no later than February 15, 2013.

The application must include:
1. Application form for admission to the doctoral programme.
2. A complete CV, including the names and addresses of two referees from undergraduate and/or master’s level who know your accomplishments.
3. Statement of intent (3-4 pages) where you describe why you are applying to the doctoral programme.
4. Attachments:
- Examination record from LADOK or equivalent course documentation and copies of educational certificates and evidence of special eligibility.
- Independent works (dissertations, articles, etc.) you wish to have assessed.
- Any other documents you wish to be taken into consideration (including other references).


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