Friday, 24 May 2013

UK: Research Assistant or Research Associate On-body Sensing and Wireless Communications

Deadline: 16 June 2013

On-body Sensing and Wireless Communications - “SPHERE” ProjectUniversity of Bristol -Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Language: English (UK)
Job number: ACAD100341
Contract Type: Fixed-term contract staff
Work Hours: 35.0 Hours per Week
Job Type: Research and Teaching
Division / School: Merchant Venturers' School of Engineering
£30424 - £34223 per annum (Research Assistant grade I) £34223 - £38522 per annum (Research Associate (grade J)
Funded by EPSRC with a total of £12M over 5 years, SPHERE is building an interdisciplinary team of over 50 researchers, students, academics and clinicians to address the real world health and wellbeing challenges that face 21st Century societies.
SPHERE is a partnership between the University of Bristol, University of Southampton, University of Reading, Bristol City Council, the NHS in Bristol, Knowle West Media Centre, IBM and Toshiba.
Working within Work Package 3 of the SPHERE project, this RA post will work on the development of novel communication techniques for this newly funded multi-million E-Healthcare UK flagship project. The post holder will explore via mathematics, computer simulation and practical experimentation the fundamental trade-offs between data reliability, interference, energy efficiency and range for wireless body area sensing including passive sensor networks and in-vivo communications. The work requires a thorough understanding of communications theory (modulation, coding and interference mitigation techniques), antenna design, as well as an awareness of or experience in radiowave propagation modelling for indoor, on-body and in-body communications.
Applicants will have a PhD or equivalent experience in a relevant topic, such as wireless communications. Successful applicants will also have the breadth, vision and ambition needed to work day-to-day with a large team of engineers and computer scientists as well as some of the UK’s most distinguished clinicians and clinical scientists.
It is expected that interviews will be held in late June, early July with a start date of October 2013 for 3 years in the first instance. Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Rob Piechocki,
For a full list of available vacancies within SPHERE please see

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