Monday 6 August 2012

Netherlands: PhD student (4 years) on "Oxygen separation membranes for zero-emission fossil power plants"

Deadline: 15th Sep. 2012 
Natural Sciences   
De uitdaging / The challenge
The group Inorganic  Membranes is a research unit of the faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Twente. Our research focuses on the development of new membrane materials and fundamental understanding of transport properties exhibited by membranes for different applications. The group has currently available a PhD position (4 years) devoted to synthesis and characterization of ceramic mixed oxygen ionic-electronic conducting membranes, separating oxygen  from air at elevated temperatures. Special attention will be paid by the PhD student to understanding of oxide ion transport and associated surface exchange kinetics, and the role of the ceramic microstructure on the oxygen fluxes.   The PhD project will elaborated within the German Helmholtz portfolio alliance ‘MEM-BRAIN’, in which different international institutions work together towards the development and integration of ceramic and polymeric gas separation membranes for advanced fossil power plants and other applications like biogas processing or processes in the chemical industry.
Ons aanbod / Our offer
Our offer is a four year’s PhD position in an inspiring multidisciplinary and international environment. The candidate is expected to finish his/her project with a PhD thesis, and disseminate the results through patents (if applicable), publications in peer-reviewed journals, and presentations at international conferences. Your monthly starting salary will be € 2042 in the first year, gradually increasing to € 2612 gross in the last year.
Application letters must include a professional resumé and a short letter describing a statement of interest (in English).
Uw profiel / Your profile
Prospective candidates must have an MSc in solid-state physics, chemistry or electrochemistry, material science or equivalent background. The candidate must have strong communication skills, including fluency in written and spoken English. An interview and a scientific presentation will be part of the selection process.
Targeted applications should be directed to Dr. H.J.M. Bouwmeester (, tel.: +31 (0)53 4892202, indigating the vacancy. Deadline for applications: the 15th of September 2012. For more information please contact Dr. H.J.M.                                                                                  More Information

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