Thursday 19 September 2013

UK: PhD studentship in Multi-Sensor Intelligent Surveillance System

Deadline: 30 October 2013

Queen Mary, University of London -School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Two posts
Applications are invited for 2 PhD Studentships to undertake research under a new European Union FP7-funded project SUNNY (Smart UNmanned aerial vehicle sensor Network for detection of border crossing and illegal entrY). SUNNY is a joint FP7 project of 17 academic and industrial partners for developing and integrating an innovative intelligent airborne sensor network for border surveillance.
The successful candidates will develop models, algorithms, and systems for robust object (human, vehicle and ships) detection, categorisation and tracking using a heterogeneous UAV sensor network. In particular, the job will involve the development of novel computer vision and machine learning algorithms for sensor alignment, super-resolution, data fusion, and active learning from human feedback.
The successful candidate will be based at the Queen Mary Vision Laboratory (, working under the supervision of Dr. Tao Xiang ( and Prof. Shaogang Gong ( in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. The Queen Mary Vision Laboratory is a leading computer vision research laboratory, specialising in video behaviour analysis and abnormality detection, object detection and tracking in crowded scenes, and human facial expression and body language modelling.
This studentships are for 3 years and will cover student fees and a tax-free stipend starting at £15,726 per annum and is available to candidates of all nationalities. The candidates should have a first class honours degree or equivalent, or a strong Masters Degree, in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or a related field, and be able to demonstrate strong problem-solving and analytical skills. Good programming skills are required, preferably with Matlab and C++. Research experience in image processing, computer vision or machine learning is desirable. Informal enquires can be made by email to Dr. Tao Xiang: and Prof Shaogang Gong:
To apply please follow the on-line process (see 

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