Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Singapore: PhD positions at National University of Singapore in nanophotonics group

Deadline: 15 Dec. 2012

The Nanophotonics group at the National University of Singapore is recruiting for a total of ten fully-funded five-year PhD fellowship positions this year, and we are recruiting for multiple funded positions at our US organization at the University of Delaware.

Our research concerns silicon photonics R11; essentially, re-designing computer chips so that they can manipulate photons as well as electrons. Some years ago, we founded one of the leading companies in this field (http://www.luxtera.com). More recently, we founded the OpSIS foundry multi-project wafer (MPW) service (http://www.opsisfoundry.org). This is an effort funded by the defense department and Intel, among others, to open up advanced processes to the world research community.

For more information on why we founded the OpSIS effort, and our long-term goals, please see our articles in Nature Photonics about the need in the field for such a service.


Also, here is an open-access article that appeared in Nature about our efforts on OpSIS: http://www.nature.com/news/photonic-chips-made-easier-1.10264

Please note there is a December 15, 2012 deadline for some applicants. Please see our site at http://nanophotonics.ece.udel.edu/recruiting_letter_2012.html for more information.


Prof. Tom Baehr-Jones
Prof. Michael Hochberg

Tom Baehr-Jones, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Delaware

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