Saturday, 6 October 2012

UK: Fully Funded PhD Scholarship Modelling Sport Surface Systems For Performance And Risk

Deadline: 12th October 2012

Loughborough University -Institute for Sports Research (ISR)

Ref: SF170912
(Loughborough University, UK and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
A PhD scholarship is available for a high calibre candidate to join a vibrant sports surfaces research team within the ISR.  Sport surface systems are typically comprised of multi-components and their interactions can be relatively complex under compression, tension, shear, and with regard profiled footwear and studded boots. Many of the materials utilised in surface construction exhibit behaviour that is anisotropic, non-linear, viscoelastic and temperature dependent.  At present there are no usable numerical models to describe sport surface system behaviour. Several models exist for describing biomechanical movements that include simple parameters to describe a surface, but these have been focussed primarily on running. A working model describing element behaviour and system response would be a major step forward in helping predict player-surface (and ball-surface) interactions, and also in optimising surface designs in a virtual environment, prior to physical changes in production or construction. The principal aim of this PhD is to develop a numerical model to describe the behaviour of multi-component sports surface systems.
The candidates must be expecting, or have already obtained, a first degree (1st class or high 2:1 honours or equivalent) in Engineering, Materials Science or a related discipline and/or Master's level training. Knowledge and experience in any of the following areas would be desirable: finite element modelling, computer programming, mechanics, polymer science, sports surfaces and biomechanics. Suitable candidates must be able to work as part of a large multidisciplinary team, have highly effective verbal and written communication skills and, if possible, be conversant with research methods.  
The proposed starting date is 1st January 2013. The three-year scholarship will have a stipend of £13,200 rising to £15,000 per annum tax free and the successful candidate would not be required to pay tuition fees. Both international students and EU students are welcome to apply. After the closing date the most suitable candidates will be invited to demonstrate their communication skills by giving a short 10 minute presentation (web based or in person) on a given topic followed by a short interview.
This PhD studentship is funded through the ISR, a joint initiative between NTU in Singapore and Loughborough University in the UK. The successful candidate will initially be based at Loughborough University but will spend 12-18 months of their studentship at NTU.
Please apply through the following web page: Should you have any problems downloading the documents please contact Ms Jo Mason, Research Administrator (  Applicants seeking additional information are invited to contact Dr Steph Forrester ( or Dr Paul Fleming (
It is very important to quote the reference SF170912 on all correspondence and especially on the application form.

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