Thursday, 30 August 2012

Sweden: Two PhD positions in geophysics/seismology

Deadline: September 15, 2012

Seismology is the study of earthquakes and related phenomena. Seismological data is used for studying the seismic source and for elucidating Earth’s internal structure and dynamics. The geophysics program is currently engaged in research projects relating to volcanic and tectonic earthquake sources, earth structure and deformation processes, especially beneath Sweden and Iceland. The program hosts the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) which currently consists of 66 permanent broad-band stations. In addition, about 20 further stations are currently deployed in field campaigns. Current projects focus on source characteristics, including studies of volcanic tremor and geothermal, volcanic and tectonic earthquakes on Iceland, as well as active neo-tectonic faults in Sweden. For structural studies, current focus is on local source tomography, surface wave ambient noise analysis and other crustal scale structural studies.  We now intend to strengthen the research group with two new PhD students. Further information about the program can be found on .

The PhD candidates will perform research within the field of seismology related to the above-mentioned research topics.  One of the two positions will focus on crustal structure and earthquake monitoring at Icelandic volcanoes within the Futurevolc EU supersite project (in negotiation phase) starting this autumn.  The other position will focus on microseismicity and local- earthquake source studies.  Both PhD candidates will work within a larger research group , in collaboration with other PhD students and researchers in Sweden and abroad.

We are seeking a motivated candidate with a strong interest in research who has an academic magister/master- or engineering degree, or equivalent, in geophysics, physics, earth sciences or a similar field (formally, four years of university study including a minimum of 1 year at advanced level are required). Linux/Unix skills are necessary, experience in programming is desirable.  The successful applicant is expected to, and should be willing to spend time in the field as part of her/his PhD studies, operating geophysical instruments. Good oral and written proficiency in English is required. The position is full-time for four years and may include up to 20% of research or teaching assistantship. Salaries are determined based on university regulations.

General regulations for PhD studies can be found in Högskoleförordningen 5 kap §§1-7 as well as in the university's rules and regulations

Uppsala University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women to apply.

Applications must include a CV, certified copies of diplomas and certificates, and a personal letter describing yourself and your relevant experience (maximum 2 pages). The application should also contain a summary of your master thesis and eventual publications, and contact information for, or letters from at least two referees.

To be appointed as a PhD student it is required that the candidate has been admitted, or will be admitted, to a PhD education program, in which the ability to benefit from the PhD education is crucial.

For further information, contact Roland Roberts, tel. +46(0)18-471 2384, e-mail: or Olafur Gudmundsson, tel. +46(0)18-471-2788, e-mail:

Union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco, phone. +46-18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, phone. +46-18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström, Seko, phone. +46-18-471 3315.


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