Tuesday 4 February 2014

Switzerland: PhD position in the field of imaging

Deadline:14 Feb. 2014

We are offering a PhD position in the field of image capture and visualization (the degree will be in experimental physics). The position is founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Aim of the interdisciplinary project is the measurement, modeling and visualization of surface reflection (BRDF, SSS, PTM) of objects in arts and humanities.
Digital representations of originals (scans) can only appropriately be used for science and research in arts and humanities, if their core attributes can be transformed into the digital domain. Standard photographic methods are not able to show for example the visual impression of light/surface interaction of an antique mosaic. Therefor the information content of conventional digital representations is limited and their “value“ for scientific research rather small. 
Modern technologies allow the capture, modeling and visualization of surface light reflection measurements and therefor enhanced digital objects for the scientific analysis can be gained. The candidates will develop mathematical models that describe complex light reflection measurements, they implement tools and applications for visualization and they support the design of “in the field“ applicable reflection measurements.  
Qualified candidates hold a master degree or equivalent in natural science. The applicants should have interest in joining an interdisciplinary team of natural scientists and humanists and be willing to actively interact with other members of the project. Experience in one or more of these fields is a plus:
  • Design and implementation of analytical models
  • Know-how in software development
  • Experience with experimental set-ups and the measurement of physical  quantities.   
We expect a strong motivation to acquire some of these skills during the course of the PhD. The working language (spoken and written) is german/english.
The starting date is upon agreement, but the selected applicants are expected to join the group during the first trimester of 2014. The postition is limited to 3 years.
Please send your application to:
Dr. Peter FornaroUniversity of BaselDigital Humanities LabBernoullistrasse 32CH-4056 Basel
eMail: peter.fornaro@unibas.ch

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