Friday, 14 December 2012

Sweden: PhD position in Transport Systems Analysis

Deadline: 15 Jan. 2013

Work description

The Centre for Transport Studies is a collaboration between the KTH Department of Transport Science and several other organizations and public authorities, bridging the gap between the research community and the planning and political sectors. Our projects include basic research as well as real-world policy design and support to decision makers. Our work focuses on appraisal of the transport investments and policy, travellers’ behavior and valuations, environmental policy, public transport, the link between transportation and economic growth and sustainability. For these analyses, we combine various disciplines, including mathematical modeling, statistical analysis,  optimization, economics, political science and psychology. We are involved in several applied projects nationally and internationally, such as the design and evaluation of the congestion charging systems in Gothenburg and Stockholm, the national transport investment plan, and design and evaluation of public transport pricing policies. We also develop tools for evaluation of projects such as high speed rail, new metro lines and the Stockholm bypass.
Our PhD students are much sought after by businesses and public authorities, so there are excellent and interesting work opportunists. We have a large international network and encourage Ph.D. students to spend a certain amount of time at a university abroad.
We are now offering a unique doctoral position with strong possibilities for the applicant to influence the direction of study. We therefore seek qualified candidates to this position, and we have the opportunity to match a project depending on the applicant’s special qualifications and interests.

Assessment criteria

The candidate should hold a master’s degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field, such as mathematics, engineering physics, economics or statistics. Other fields may also be relevant. A sound quantitative methodological background is desirable. A transport-related education is advantageous but not compulsory. Programming skills are desirable. The candidate is expected to be in good command of written and spoken English and should be motivated to produce outstanding scientific work.
The admission decision will take into account of the candidate’s ability to independently review, critically analyze, discuss and document scientific work revealed by earlier study results. Transport economics and policy are important research fields in the Department, so knowledge and interest in economics and engagement in social issues are beneficial.


Form of employment: Time limited.
Start date: According to agreement.
The salary follows the directions provided by KTH.


Please include the following items as word or pdf files:
  1. Cover letter, including a statement of interests, motivation and a personal presentation
  2. curriculum vitae including references
  3. copies of degree certificates, including detailed grades
  4. relevant publications (if any), such as your master thesis
Applications should be sent by e-mail to
Please indicate reference number A-2012-0665 in the e-mail subject.
Applications are accepted electronically before January 15, 2013.


Professor Jonas Eliasson, Director Centre for Transport Studies
Phone: +46 70 320 63 05
Docent Maria Börjesson, Deputy Director Centre for Transport Studies
Phone: +46 70 258 32 66

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