Friday, 14 December 2012

Sweden: Postdoctor in Water and Environmental Studies

Deadline: 2 Jan. 2012

Postdoctor in Water and Environmental Studies

formally based at the Department of Thematic Studies

A postdoctor will essentially carry out research within one or more of the strategic research areas linked to the on-going research at WES and CSPR. The position may also involve teaching, but during no more than a fifth of work time.This post-doctoral fellowship is located within the third of above research areas and is funded by the research project ‘Non-state actors in the new landscape of international climate cooperation’. The research task involves an analysis of how the non-state category is constituted in international climate politics. The post-doc candidate will primarily address how boundaries between the state and the non-state are drawn in empirical domains such as the carbon marketplace and REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), and what the implications are for the locus and direction of climate governance.
The post-doctorate should hold a PhD and documented high scientific in a field of relevance for at least one of the three strategic research areas. The position requires a doctorate or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. The doctorate shall have been obtained no longer than three years before the expiration date of the application.
Equal opportunities
Linköping University shall continue to develop as an attractive and creative work place characterized by equal opportunities, and therefore works actively to promote diversity and gender equality. 

A majority of the Postdoctors within the department are women, which is why precedence will be given to men in cases where qualifications are deemed otherwise equivalent.
Appointment time
A Postdoctor is appointed until further notice, but for no longer than two years. The appointment can be renewed if there are special reasons.
Starting date
By agreement.
The University applies individual salary scales. Please specify the expected salary level in your application.
Information about the positions are given by Associate Professor Åsa Danielsson, phone +46 (0)13-282922, e-mail and by Assistant Professor Eva Lövbrand, phone +46 (0)11 363393, e-mail The union representatives are Örjan Lönnevik (SACO), tel. 013-286634, e-mail and Agneta Andersson-Berg (OFR/S), tel. 011-363512 e-mail Staff Manager Camilla Junström Hammar, tfn 013-28 21 20,, can provide information about salary and employment conditions.

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