Monday 12 November 2012

Denmark: PhD Scholarship in Deformation properties of Palaeogene clay

Deadline: 28 Nov. 2012

A PhD scholarship is available at Department of Civil Engineering. The PhD scholarship is sponsored by the Department.

Project settingIn large parts of Denmark very fine-grained clay is dominating the subsurface below the glacial deposits. Among them are Fehmern Belt, Lillebælt and Aarhus. The Palaeogene clays in these areas have been investigated thouroughly, because the behavior is very challenging with respect to prediction of deformations when constructions are placed on these formations.
The PhD scholarship is one in a series of projects within the overall topic of behavior of very fine-grained Palaeogene clay. The overall aim is to develop and improve existing models of strength and deformation properties of Palaeogene clays, and to improve understanding of the behavior of such formations. Strength- and deformation properties depend on various compositional and state parameters like mineralogical composition, pore fluid composition, structure, density, and stress state and history. These relations are only poorly understood at the moment, and only to a limited degree included in modeling. The intention of the project is to improve our ability to predict behavior of Palaeogene clays for the purpose of designing structures in this type of formation.

Scientific focus of the announced PhD PositionFocus of this PhD scholarship is threefold: 1) To characterize Palaeogene clays from different sub-formations with respect to compositional and state parameters. 2) To develop test methods that can verify relations between these parameters and strength and deformation properties. Laboratory test principles should be applicable to or developed on basis of consolidation test and triaxial test equipment. 3) To evaluate effects on existing models and methods of generalization from single point measurements to mass properties.

QualificationsAt the date of appointment candidates must hold an MSc degree in civil engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. Candidates should in addition be confident in English. The successful candidate must be an efficient team worker, have good communication skills, and have a critical approach to formulation and testing of hypotheses. Practical lab experience and a wish to work in the lab is a prerequisite.

PhD at DTU BYGAs a PhD student at DTU BYG you will be part of the scientific staff and treated as such. We have an international environment and an international MSc education and approx. 75 PhD students from a number of countries. You will be included and expected to be actively engaged in the research group within offshore geotechnical engineering.

Salary and appointment termsThe salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The period of employment is 3 years.

The successful candidate will be employed at and enrolled as a PhD student at DTU BYG (, and be associated with the PhD@Byg ( Annual salary starts at 45,000 EUR before tax, including pension/holiday pay.

The starting date is negotiable but a quick start is preferred.

Further informationFurther information is available by contact to associate professor Anette Krogsbøll ( or associate professor Ole Hededal (

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