Tuesday 30 October 2012

UK: Chevening Scholarship Program

Deadline: 20 Dec. 2012

Applications for 2013/14 Chevening Scholarships are now open.
For full information about eligibility and selection criteria please read our guidance for applicants. This guidance contains precise rules and regulations about the application process for 2013/14 Chevening Scholarships. 
Chevening Scholars

To help you prepare your application, you should also do the following:
  • Sign up for alerts about application information by going to your country page and clicking on ‘Register'.
  • There will be new minimum English language requirements for 2013/14 applicants which you will have to meet before applying for a Chevening Scholarship. Some countries will be exempt (see the guidance for applicants for full details), but if you don’t have a valid certificate you should book an English language test date now.
  • Research which UK courses you wish to study as you must include these on your application and demonstrate why you believe these are the right courses for your career. A list of UK universities is available with links to postgraduate information.
  • Research the English language requirements for your chosen courses – they are almost certain to have higher requirements than the minimum requirements for applying for a Chevening Scholarship. Plan how you are going to meet those requirements.
  • Think about who you will nominate as referees on your application. You are required to nominate two referees. These should be people who know you well and can comment on your general suitability to receive a Chevening Scholarship, including your leadership qualities. Referees could, for example, be an academic from your former university, a senior person in the organisation you work for, or a senior person you work closely with or you have previously worked with.

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