Friday, 5 October 2012

Denmark: PhD Scholarships in Naval Architecture

Deadline: 1st November 2012

A PhD scholarship is available at DTU Mechanical Engineering in the field of Operation of Ultra Large Container Ships. The department has well-established research programs in naval architecture and the present scholarship is partly funded by the international ship classification society ClassNK.

Project description
The aim of the project is to reduce the uncertainty in the real time estimation of the wave climate onboard a vessel by combining several procedures and to apply this information for improvement of the
  • calculation of the estimated fatigue damage due to course and speed changes
  • calculation of the wave pattern close to the ship the next 5-20 seconds, useful in prediction of e.g. onset of parametric rolling and large slamming loads
Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. Strong skills in naval architecture, ocean engineering and programming in C/C++/Fortran/Matlab are required, as well as a keen interest in software development and decision support systems.

Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The period of employment is 3 years.

The expected starting date is January 1st 2013.

Further information Further information may be obtained from Professor Jørgen Juncher Jensen, tel: +45 4525 1384.

You can read more about DTU Mechanical Engineering on

We must have your online application by November 1, 2012. Please open the link "apply online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and information about academic grades.

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