Saturday, 4 August 2012

UK: 2 PhD Studentships in Photovoltaics

Deadline for Applications: 20th August 2012

Heriot-Watt University -Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University
Earliest start date: October 1, 2012
Applications are invited for two PhD positions in the area of photovoltaic research. You will join a thriving research group engaged in a number of related on-going projects supervised by Prof Hari Upadhyaya, Deputy Director of IMPEE, and leading the Energy Research Group. Prof. Upadhyaya has an expertise on thin film photvoltaics which involves the development of solar cells technologies viz. CdTe. CIGS thin films using vacuum and non-vacuum methods. His group also has the expertise on nanostructured hybrid and dye-sensitised solar cells including quantum dots.
The PhD studentship position one is a part of the project entitled- 'Advancing the Energy Efficiency and the production potential of Excitonic Solar Cells' (APEX).  The second position is earmarked for the CdTe solar cells development research for BIPV application.
Entry Requirements
The successful candidate for the PhD position should possess a first-class honours degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry / Chemical Physics / Physics or a related discipline, and must be enthusiastic and highly motivated to carry out postgraduate research. You should have a natural aptitude for experimental science and the ability to develop technical competence in non-vacuum and vacuum technologies for materials processing and electronic data acquisition. He/she will join an enthusiastic and dynamic international team with the range of skills from materials synthesis to solar cell module production including theoretical simulation. Therefore, a willingness to participate in a diverse range of international collaborations is highly desirable.
Value of the Award
The positions are fully funded for 36 months, with a tax-exempt scholarship of at least £13,590 per annum and tuition fees for the duration of study.
The studentships will ideally start in October 2012.
Application procedure
To apply or for further discussion about the projects, please send a copy of your CV, one page document (maximum 1000 words) explaining your research interest/motivation, your academic transcripts and the names of two academic referees to Prof. Hari M. Upadhyaya ( ). If successful, you would be requested to submit an official Heriot-Watt University online application form found at the following url:

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