Friday, 22 June 2012

Tips and Guidelines about Scholarship/Admission in SNU, Korea

  •  SNU Spring 2013
    • Nationality: All
      • Deadline:Jun.11(Mon)~Aug. 2(Thu), 2012
 Admissions in Seoul National University, Korea in Graduate and Undergraduate degrees in various Disciplines in spring 2013.

Seoul National University , SNU is one the top ranked university in the world. You can check its ranking in the world. It is in to 50 and 100 universities in the world.
So, every one must try for the admission here.

You can get admission in SNU on scholarship as SNU 's professors have many funds and can support you.

But you have to email the professors in a way which i will explain below, if you get confirmation from professor , that s/he may support you , then you can continue there on his/her scholarship.

One bottleneck : The application fee about 75 $ , which can be pay by using credit card, if not then make a bank draft as mentioned in the guide.

Other Bottleneck: English scores such as IELTS and TOEFL. Although you can apply on the basis of English proficiency scores, but it reduces your chances of getting admissions

There is a drawback or some problem with this kind of professor scholarship : If you are successful in getting funds/scholarship from professor, then you have to work hard for publications as if you do not have publications or results, then you may have serious problems regarding funding/scholarship. So, be sure before applying it that you are ready to work hard.

There are also a few university scholarship , on which you can apply and then you do not need to have professor scholarship.

Admission Procedure

First of all email the professors according to the tips given below . when you get confirmation of scholarship from them, then you should apply for admission. OR apply with the university scholarships

the admission timeline is

2013 Spring Admissions Timeline

The dates and deadlines below are for the application to the program that starts in Spring 2013

Online Application
Deadline l Jun.11(Mon)~Aug. 2(Thu), 2012
* Note that the entrance to the program is in March 2013.

Submission of Documents
Deadline l Jun.11(Mon)~Aug. 3(Fri), 2012
The required documents should arrive at the SNU Office of Admissions by this date. Applicants must have already completed the online application.

Announcement of Admissions Decision
Nov. 9(Fri), 2012 * Results will be posted on a notice of SNU website NOTICE

Announcement of Admissions Decision
Nov. 9(Fri), 2012
* Results will be posted on a notice of SNU website NOTICE

Tuition Payment ( If you get Professor scholarship, you do not need to pay this)
Deadline : Feb. 2013 (TBA)
* At the branches of NONGHYUP Bank nationwide

Tips to get professor scholarship on Graduate Level

Let me explain to you the easiest way to get admission and scholarship (both fee and living expenses) is first of all, you should search relevant professors of your choice and research interest. Then you should make a tailored made CV according to the interest of those relevant professors and send him/her that CV along with a short email stating your introduction and show your interest that you want to do master/Ph.D under his/her supervision.
If a professor shows interest it means almost you have 99% chances that your admission is confirmed.
So, first of all, you should try to find "Faculty" => Professors profiles on the university website.
You can find the respective faculties in the list.
Then what you have to do is:
1. Read all your major professors profiles, research interests and projects. (You can also find the research interests of professors by finding on Google their published research papers)
2. Make your CV research oriented and also easily readable and good looking. (Also according to the professor you choose to apply. Relate your previous work plus final year project with that professor's work and show him your interest in his work)
Important Note for Electronics plus Computer majors ( In Korea, professors like if you are good in programming languages and it is good if you have distinction in programming skills and you can show them)
3. Write an email. (Please be short in writing email, as professor has not so much times to read it fully just write main but few sentences)
4. Send your email and CV to as many professors as you can (keep in mind only interested professors may reply you, so don't be disappointed)
Note: If you are interested in any specific professor and he/she does not reply you then you must contact him/her by" telephone". Please keep in mind that many professors do not reply, so in that case, you must contact him/her by telephone.
1. Maybe if you face some trouble while opening website then please install "Korean" language tools.
2. Deadlines and time is very important.
3. Try to get any English proficiency certificate. Sometime it increases chances of scholarships.
If any updates, I will let you know.
4. Once the ball starts rolling (getting in contact with professor) Come up with a project plan or SOP (Statement of purpose, Research plan) that what you are going to research about. Indulge yourself in writing new project proposals if required.
Professor scholarship
This solely depends on professor and university does not give you money in this case. These are easy to get but hard to maintain sometimes, because sometimes if professor is not happy with your performance, then he can give you financial problems. So be ready to do hard work.
University scholarships
University scholarships are few and hard to get , but good than professor scholarship as in this case you will not be depended on money by professor. But when you apply for this scholarship, if you contact the professor before in the way as mentioned above, then you have better chance to get this scholarship. Although university scholarships mostly do not require professors recommendations but if you are successful to get one before applying, then it is good chance for you to get that scholarship
That is all for the tips

Also undergraduate students can apply. they can see this link but it is difficult to get undergraduate scholarships, but they can try.

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